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About This Site

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Welcome to INFJ-A

You have probably come here to know a little bit more about this site and the person behind it.

Like many INFJ I wanted to understand what is wrong with me. I struggled with finding a deeper connections I was longing for all my life. I wanted to be heard and understood like anyone else around me.

Patterns in life kept repeating until one day life seemed to fall into pieces. In hindsight it turned out as a golden opportunity to reflect on life and get an understanding of who I a really am deep down inside.

I stumbled on the MBTI personality test and found out that I am an INFJ.

Now I had a keyword to search for to get a deeper understanding of my personality.

On my research I stumbled on contradictory information and often hard to understand explanations. I was convinced that it doesn’t have to be like that.

My philosophy is that once you truly understand a topic you can explain it to others.

And that’s what I do with this blog. Now you know the intention behind it.

Besides that it is also a great training exercise to improve my English writing skills. I am German by the way.

If you like what you read feel free to share it with others. And if you like it even more and want to give back some of the love you can buy me a coffee, or maybe two or three…