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Introducing The Cognitive Functions

·6 mins
Cognitive Functions Sensing Intuition Thinking Feeling
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The key to understanding the 16 personalities of the MBTI framework lies in the cognitive functions. They explain how we work under the hood, how we perceive information, and make our decisions accordingly.

Thankfully the concept itself is quite simple as it consists of 4 base functions (intuition, feeling, thinking, sensing) that each can be directed inwardly (introverted) or outwardly (extraverted). This maks 8 cognitive functions in total.

For INFJ the cognitive functions stack is:

  • introverted intuition (Ni)
  • extraverted feeling (Fe)
  • introverted thinking (Ti)
  • extraverted sensing (Se)

Before I give you the full cognitive function list let me first explain you there origins and actual concept behind them.

The Origins of Cognitive Functions

The concept of cognitive functions goes back to Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst whose revolutionary book Psychological Types (1921) changed how we think about personality.

Jung suggested that everyone perceives the world and makes decisions differently. His ideas set the stage for the later development of a widely used practical tool for grasping personality in the form of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, or MBTI — devised in the mid-20th century by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers.

The MBTI organized Jung’s four cognitive functions into a system that divides personality into 16 types, based on four dichotomations: Introversion vs. Extraversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving.

However, these dichotomies don’t capture the full picture. It is the cognitive functions—and how they stack for each type—that make the MBTI come alive.

The MBTI has been a staple of psychology, coaching, and personal development since its adoption, but you curl only the edges and never get past the surface of its pearl without delving into the cognitive functions.

Cognitive Functions Explained

Extraverted Sensing (Se)

Extraverted Sensing is centered on the here and now. Se users live in the moment: they focus on immediate sensory experiences—what they see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. They connect with the world through touch, physically, and are often drawn to immersing themselves in new experiences.

This function excels at spontaneity and feeds on the thrill of the “now.” Se, on the other hand, isn’t interested in memory or pattern. It’s about taking in and responding to the reality before you.

Introverted Sensing (Si)

Unlike Se, Introverted Sensing cherishes the past. Si users mirror sensory experiences and compare the present experiences to what happened before. This function systematically processes and catalogs sensory input to build a database of meaningful lived experiences.

Si explains why traditions can feel comforting and why some people may study details that others might overlook. It’s less about breakthrough and more about maintaining what sticks.

Extraverted Intuition (Ne)

Extraverted Intuition is about potentialities. Ne users are the brainstormers of cognitive functions; they are always connecting the dots and looking at possibilities.

This function generates ideas and patterns by looking out to the world for ideas. It’s the originator of a million what if questions, always envisioning possibility when others only perceive restrictions.

Introverted Intuition (Ni)

As opposed to looking for patterns outside itself, Ni generates its insights from the inside. It functions by turning abstract notions into one single vision, gradually getting closer to symbolic meaning and long-term significance.

Introverted intuition users often come off as nearly psychic because they’re experts at finding out outcomes based on patterns that only they can see. This function does not dally in endless possibilities; it locks in on one vision with laser focus.

Extraverted Thinking (Te)

Extraverted Thinking is the engineer among the cognitive functions. Te measures the outside world through logic, efficiency and tangible results. It’s about discovering real answers and implementing plans that get results.

Te users care more about systems and standards and processes — their motto could be: If it works, do it.

They don’t get tangled up in abstract theories; they want results.

Introverted Thinking (Ti)

Where Te looks outside for logic, Introverted Thinking constructs a personal, internal structure. Ti is detail-oriented and is always testing its models of things. It craves consistency and clarity, weighing data against an internal system of logical principles.

Ti users are architects building elegant mental constructs to make sense of the world.

Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

Extraverted Feeling is focused on good harmony in relationships. Fe users move through the emotional webs of their friends and families, working to establish connection and comprehension.

They frequently put others before themselves, in some cases to their own detriment. Fe represents what people in communities want, consensus, and shared emotional experiences — the very glue of communities.

Introverted Feeling (Fi)

Introverted Feeling is very much personal. It’s about matching what you do with who you are on the inside and holding true to your essential selves.

Users of the Fi are very sensitive people who often manifest their sensitive emotions in art, writing, etc. Fi, the one that partners with itself to ensure that the self is a good person, as opposed to Fe which searches for consensus and harmony.

How Cognitive Functions Influence Decision-Making

Perceiving Functions: Collectors of Information

Se, Si, Ne, and Ni, the perceiving functions, are the filters through which we take in and analyze the world around us.

If you are guided by Se, your choices are likely dictated by what is happening around you — what’s real and tangible in that moment.

Si, on the other hand, draws on experience, using the past to assess the present against an abundant archive of personal memories.

Due to the infinite see-what-happens nature of Ne users, they may find it hard to imprison themselves to just select options, as they have too many open.

As for the Ni users, they latch on to one, long-term perspective, and this allows them to make decisions with clarity of purpose.

Judging Functions: The Decision-Makers

The judging functions—Te, Ti, Fe, and Fi—define how we assess information and respond to it. Te users place high importance on logic and practical reasoning, stripping away the excess and swiftly finding viable solutions to combat the noise.

Ti users, on the other hand, continuously probe their respective frameworks of logic and outcomes on the other side with a stronger understanding (or at least an opinion) of the way things are before acting.

Others versus self is what greatly governs Fe decisions. These users frequently think about how their decisions affect relationships, communities, and the world.

Fi honors personal principles and values and makes choices that reflect inward authenticity even in contrast with social constructs.

These combine with sensing and intuition to make the 16 MBTI types, and their nuance, unique to have 4 perceiving and judging functions.

Why Cognitive Functions Matter

It is the cognitive functions that get to the heart of MBTI personality types. They describe not only what we do, but why we do it — our motivations, strengths, and blind spots.

Knowing what cognitive functions are changes the game for me and all INFJs. It explains why I am drawn to long-term visions (Ni), strive for relational harmony (Fe), and bog down into analysis paralysis with my internal logic (Ti). Leveraging these insights, I learned how to lean into the strengths and moderate the weaknesses.

If you’ve ever felt like four letters didn’t explain your richness, then learning about cognitive functions is your next step. Not only do they help you better understand yourself, they provide a road map for personal growth and deeper and more authentic connections with others.

For an INFJ, it’s like finding the user manual for your brain—and that’s a gift worth digging into.